Entity Relationships - Cardinalities and Descriptions

AgeDetermination <> AbsoluteAgeDetermination
Each AgeDetermination can have many AbsoluteAgeDeterminations.
Each AbsoluteAgeDetermination is associated with exactly one AgeDetermination.

AgeDetermination <> ChronostraticAgeDetermination

Each AgeDetermination can have many ChronostraticAgeDeterminations.
Each ChronostraticAgeDetermination is associated with exactly one AgeDetermination.

Author <> AuthorPublTax

Each Author is correlated with either Publication or TaxonNameUse by one to many AuthorPublTax associations.
Each AuthorPublTax association correlates either Publication or TaxonNameUse with exactly one Author.

AuthorPublTax <> Publication

Each AuthorPublTax is correlated with Publication by one to many AuthorPublTax associations.
Each Publication is correlated with Author by zero or one AuthorPublTax associations.

Book <> PublisherBook

Each Book can have many PublisherBooks.
Each PublisherBook is associated with exactly one Book.

ClassificationRank <> TaxonNameUse

Each ClassificationRank can be applied to many TaxonNameUses.
Each TaxonNameUse is associated with zero or one ClassificationRanks.

CollectingEvent <> AgeDetermination

Each CollectingEvent can have many AgeDeterminations.
Each AgeDetermination is associated with zero or one CollectingEvents.

CollectingEvent <> Citation

Each CollectingEvent can have many Citations.
Each Citation is associated with zero or one CollectingEvents.

CollectingEvent <> CollectingEventTeam

Each CollectingEvent can have many CollectingEventTeams.
Each CollectingEventTeam is associated with exactly one CollectingEvent.

CollectingEvent <> CollectingUnit

Each CollectingEvent can have many CollectingUnits.
Each CollectingUnit has exactly one CollectingEvent.

CollectingEvent <> StratigraphicUnit

Each CollectingEvent occurs in many StratigraphicUnits.
Each StratigraphicUnit has exactly one CollectingEvent.

CollectingEventTeam <> CollEventTeamIll

Each CollectingEventTeam can have many CollEventTeamIlls.
Each CollEventTeamIll has exactly one CollectingEventTeam.

CollectingMethod <> CollUnitMethod

Each CollectingMethod can be associated with many CollUnitMethods.
Each CollUnitMethod is associated with exactly one CollectingMethod.

CollectingProject <> CollectingEvent

Each CollectingProject can sponsor many CollectingEvents.
Each CollectingEvent is associated with zero or one CollectingProjects.

CollectingUnit <> Citation

Each CollectingUnit can be cited in many Citations.
Each Citation is associated with zero or one CollectingUnits.

CollectingUnit <> CollectingUnitPrepMethod

Each CollectingUnit is correlated with a PreparationMethod by many CollectingUnitPrepMethod associations.
Each CollectingUnitPrepMethod association correlates CollectingUnit with exactly one PreparationMethod.

CollectingUnit <> CollUnitMethod

Each CollectingUnit is correlated with CollectingMethod by many CollUnitMethod associations.
Each CollUnitMethod correlates CollectingUnit with exactly one CollectingMethod.

CollectingUnit <> Determination

Each CollectingUnit can have many Determinations.
Each Determination is associated with exactly one CollectingUnit.

CollectingUnit <> Lot

Each CollectingUnit can have many Lots.
Each Lot is associated with zero or one CollectingUnits.

CollectingUnit <> RepCollUnit

Each CollectingUnit can have many RepCollUnits.
Each RepCollUnit is associated with exactly one CollectingUnit.

CollectingUnit <> Specimen

Each CollectingUnit can have many Specimens.
Each Specimen is associated with zero or one CollectingUnits.

CollectingUnit <> Unsortedlot

Each CollectingUnit can have many Unsortedlots.
Each Unsortedlot is associated with zero or one CollectingUnits.

DeterminationStatus <> Determination

Each DeterminationStatus can apply to many Determinations.
Each Determination is associated with zero or one DeterminationStatus.

EnvironmentDescription <> CollectingEvent

Each EnvironmentDescription can describe many CollectingEvents.
Each CollectingEvent is associated with zero or one EnvironmentDescriptions.

Illustration <> CollEventTeamIll

Each Illustration can figure many CollEventTeamIlls.
Each CollEventTeamIll is associated with exactly one Illustration.

Illustration <> LocalityIllustration

Each Illustration can figure many LocalityIllustrations.
Each LocalityIllustration is associated with exactly one Illustration.

Illustration <> MorphCharStateIllustration

Each Illustration can figure many MorphCharStateIllustrations.
Each MorphCharStateIllustration is associated with exactly one Illustration.

Illustration <> MorphologicMsrmtTypeIllustration

Each Illustration can figure many MorphologicMsrmtTypeIllustrations.
Each MorphologicMsrmtTypeIllustration is associated with exactly one Illustration.

Illustration <> PersonIllustration

Each Illustration can figure many PersonIllustrations.
Each PersonIllustration is associated with exactly one Illustration.

Illustration <> PublishedIllustration

Each Illustration can figure many PublishedIllustrations.
Each PublishedIllustration is associated with exactly one Illustration.

Illustration <> SpecimenComponentIllustration

Each Illustration can figure many SpecimenComponentIllustrations.
Each SpecimenComponentIllustration is associated with exactly one Illustration.

Illustration <> SpecimenIllustration

Each Illustration can figure many SpecimenIllustrations.
Each SpecimenIllustration is associated with exactly one Illustration.

Illustration <> StratigraphicIllustration

Each Illustration can figure many StratigraphicIllustrations.
Each StratigraphicIllustration is associated with exactly one Illustration.

Illustration <> TaxonConceptIllustration

Each Illustration can figure many TaxonConceptIllustrations.
Each TaxonConceptIllustration is associated with exactly one Illustration.

Illustration <> TaxonNameIllustration

Each Illustration can figure many TaxonNameIllustrations.
Each TaxonNameIllustration is associated with exactly one Illustration.

IllustrationType <> Illustration

Each IllustrationType can have many Illustrations.
Each Illustration is associated with zero or one IllustrationTypes.

JournalSeries <> JournalArticle

Each JournalSeries can have many JournalArticles.
Each JournalArticle is associated with exactly one JournalSeries.

JournalSeries <> Monograph

Each JournalSeries can have many Monographs.
Each Monograph is associated with exactly one JournalSeries.

JournalSeries <> OtherPublication

Each JournalSeries can have many OtherPublications.
Each OtherPublication is associated with exactly one JournalSeries.

Language <> Publication

Each Language can be in many Publications.
Each Publication is associated with exactly one Language.

Locality <> LocalityIllustration

Each Locality can have many LocalityIllustrations.
Each LocalityIllustration is associated with exactly one Locality.

Locality <> LocalitySite

Each Locality can have many LocalitySites.
Each LocalitySite is associated with zero or one Localitys.

LocalitySite <> Citation

Each LocalitySite can have many Citations.
Each Citation is associated with zero or one LocalitySites.

LocalitySite <> CollectingEvent

Each LocalitySite can occurs in many CollectingEvents.
Each CollectingEvent is associated with zero or one LocalitySites.

Monograph <> PublisherMonograph

Each Monograph can have many PublisherMonographs.
Each PublisherMonograph is associated with exactly one Monograph.

MorphCharState <> MorphCharStateIllustration

Each MorphCharState can have many MorphCharStateIllustrations.
Each MorphCharStateIllustration is associated with exactly one MorphCharState.

MorphCharState <> TaxonMorphologyUse

Each MorphCharState can have many TaxonMorphologyUses.
Each TaxonMorphologyUse is associated with exactly one MorphCharState.

MorphologicCharacters <> MorphCharState

Each MorphologicCharacters can have many MorphCharStates.
Each MorphCharState is associated with exactly one MorphologicCharacters.

MorphologicMsrmtType <> MorphologicMsrmtTypeIllustration

Each MorphologicMsrmtType can have many MorphologicMsrmtTypeIllustrations.
Each MorphologicMsrmtTypeIllustration is associated with exactly one MorphologicMsrmtType.

MorphologicMsrmtType <> MorphologicSpecimenMsrmt

Each MorphologicMsrmtType can have many MorphologicSpecimenMsrmts.
Each MorphologicSpecimenMsrmt is associated with exactly one MorphologicMsrmtType.

OtherPublication <> PublisherOtherPublication

Each OtherPublication can have many PublisherOtherPublications.
Each PublisherOtherPublication is associated with exactly one OtherPublication.

PaleoEnvironment <> EnvironmentDescription

Each PaleoEnvironment can have many EnvironmentDescriptions.
Each EnvironmentDescription is associated with zero or one PaleoEnvironments.

Person <> Author

Each Person can be many Authors.
Each Author is associated with exactly one Person.

Person <> CollectingEventTeam

Each Person can be a member of many CollectingEventTeams.
Each CollectingEventTeam is associated with exactly one Person.

Person <> CollectingUnit

Each Person can collect many CollectingUnits.
Each CollectingUnit is associated with zero or one Persons.

Person <> Determination

Each Person can make many Determinations.
Each Determination is associated with exactly one Person.

Person <> PersonIllustration

Each Person can have many PersonIllustrations.
Each PersonIllustration is associated with exactly one Person.

Person <> RepositoryContact

Each Person can be many RepositoryContacts.
Each RepositoryContact is associated with exactly one Person.

PreparationMethod <> CollectingUnitPrepMethod

Each PreparationMethod can apply to many CollectingUnitPrepMethods.
Each CollectingUnitPrepMethod is associated with exactly one PreparationMethod.

PreparationMethod <> SpecCompPrepMethod

Each PreparationMethod can apply to many SpecCompPrepMethods.
Each SpecCompPrepMethod is associated with exactly one PreparationMethod.

PreparationMethod <> SpecimenPrepMethod

Each PreparationMethod can apply to many SpecimenPrepMethods.
Each SpecimenPrepMethod is associated with exactly one PreparationMethod.

Publication <> Book

Each Publication can be many Books.
Each Book is associated with exactly one Publication.

Publication <> Citation

Each Publication can contain many Citations.
Each Citation is associated with exactly one Publication.

Publication <> ElectronicPublication

Each Publication can be zero or one ElectronicPublications.
Each ElectronicPublication is associated with exactly one Publication.

Publication <> JournalArticle

Each Publication can be many JournalArticles.
Each JournalArticle is associated with exactly one Publication.

Publication <> Monograph

Each Publication can be many Monographs.
Each Monograph is associated with exactly one Publication.

Publication <> OtherPublication

Each Publication can be many OtherPublications.
Each OtherPublication is associated with exactly one Publication.

Publication <> PartOfPublication

Each Publication can be many PartOfPublications.
Each PartOfPublication is associated with exactly one Publication.

Publication <> PublicationKeyword

Each Publication can have many KeyWords correlated through PublicationKeywords associations.
Each PublicationKeyword is associated with exactly one Publication.

KeyWord <> PublicationKeyword

Each KeyWord can be used in many PublicationKeywords associations.
Each PublicationKeyword association correlates a Publication with exactly one KeyWord.

Publication <> PublishedIllustration

Each Publication can have many PublishedIllustrations.
Each PublishedIllustration is associated with exactly one Publication.

PublisherUniversity <> PublisherBook

Each PublisherUniversity can publish many PublisherBooks.
Each PublisherBook is associated with exactly one PublisherUniversity.

PublisherUniversity <> PublisherMonograph

Each PublisherUniversity can publish many PublisherMonographs.
Each PublisherMonograph is associated with exactly one PublisherUniversity.

PublisherUniversity <> PublisherOtherPublication

Each PublisherUniversity can publish many PublisherOtherPublications.
Each PublisherOtherPublication is associated with exactly one PublisherUniversity.

Repository <> RepCollUnit

Each Repository can have many RepCollUnits.
Each RepCollUnit is associated with exactly one Repository.

Repository <> RepositoryContact

Each Repository can have many RepositoryContacts.
Each RepositoryContact is associated with exactly one Repository.

Specimen <> MorphologicSpecimenMsrmt

Each Specimen can have many MorphologicSpecimenMsrmts.
Each MorphologicSpecimenMsrmt is associated with exactly one Specimen.

Specimen <> SpecimenComponent

Each Specimen can have many SpecimenComponents.
Each SpecimenComponent is associated with zero or one Specimens.

Specimen <> SpecimenIllustration

Each Specimen can have many SpecimenIllustrations.
Each SpecimenIllustration is associated with exactly one Specimen.

Specimen <> SpecimenPrepMethod

Each Specimen can have many SpecimenPrepMethods.
Each SpecimenPrepMethod is associated with exactly one Specimen.

SpecimenComponent <> SpecCompPrepMethod

Each SpecimenComponent can have many SpecCompPrepMethods.
Each SpecCompPrepMethod is associated with exactly one SpecimenComponent.

SpecimenComponent <> SpecimenComponentIllustration

Each SpecimenComponent can have many SpecimenComponentIllustrations.
Each SpecimenComponentIllustration is associated with exactly one SpecimenComponent.

SpecimenTypeStatus <> Specimen

Each SpecimenTypeStatus describes many Specimens.
Each Specimen is associated with exactly one SpecimenTypeStatus.

StratigraphicUnit <> StratigraphicIllustration

Each StratigraphicUnit can have many StratigraphicIllustrations.
Each StratigraphicIllustration is associated with exactly one StratigraphicUnit.

TaxonConcept <> TaxonConceptIllustration

Each TaxonConcept can have many TaxonConceptIllustrations.
Each TaxonConceptIllustration is associated with exactly one TaxonConcept.

TaxonConcept <> TaxonNameUse

Each TaxonConcept can have many TaxonNameUses.
Each TaxonNameUse is associated with exactly one TaxonConcept.

TaxonConcept <> TaxonRelationship

Each TaxonConcept is child of many TaxonRelationships.
Each TaxonRelationship is associated with exactly one TaxonConcept.

TaxonConcept <> TaxonRelationship

Each TaxonConcept is parent to many TaxonRelationships.
Each TaxonRelationship is associated with exactly one TaxonConcept.

TaxonName <> Determination

Each TaxonName can be applied in many Determinations.
Each Determination is associated with exactly one TaxonName.

TaxonName <> TaxonNameIllustration

Each TaxonName can have many TaxonNameIllustrations.
Each TaxonNameIllustration is associated with exactly one TaxonName.

TaxonName <> TaxonNameUse

Each TaxonName can be applied to many TaxonNameUses.
Each TaxonNameUse is associated with exactly one TaxonName.

TaxonNameUse <> AuthorPublTax

Each TaxonNameUse has at least one AuthorPublTax.
Each AuthorPublTax is associated with exactly one TaxonNameUse.

TaxonNameUse <> Citation

Each TaxonNameUse is cited in at least one Citation.
Each Citation is associated with exactly one TaxonNameUse.

TaxonNameUse <> TaxonMorphologyUse

Each TaxonNameUse can have many TaxonMorphologyUses.
Each TaxonMorphologyUse is associated with exactly one TaxonNameUse.

TaxonomicGroup <> TaxonConcept

Each TaxonomicGroup can have many TaxonConcepts.
Each TaxonConcept is associated with zero or one TaxonomicGroups.

TaxonRelType <> TaxonRelationship

Each TaxonRelType can have many TaxonRelationships.
Each TaxonRelationship is associated with zero or one TaxonRelTypes.

Last updated on January 15, 1997-afb&jg.